Shodo is the ancient Japanese art of brush calligraphy, but it’s much more, and here’s what the Ranseki Sho Juku system of shodo has to offer:
Ink painting
The study of Japanese language
Research into classical Chinese and Japanese literature/poetry
Training in time-honored Japanese aesthetic principles
An exploration of age-old Asian abstract art
Mastery of moving meditation
A historic art that promotes self-harmony
Groundbreaking principles and exercises of mind and body unification to help you realize your full potential in life
H. E. Davey is the second generation headmaster of Ranseki Sho Juku shodo. He studied for 20 years under the late Kobara Ranseki Sensei, founder of this form of classical shodo and leader of the Wanto Shodo Kai school in Oakland, California. Mr. Kobara was the Vice President of Japan’s Kokusai Shodo Bunka Koryu Kyokai and recipient Order of the Rising Sun from the Japanese government. Mr. Davey received the highest teaching certification in Ranseki Sho Juku calligraphic art in 1993, and his artwork has won multiple awards at the Sankei Newspaper Shodo Exhibition and the International Shodo Exhibition in Japan. Upon Kobara Sensei’s death, Mr. Davey inherited leadership of Kobara Sensei’s shodo system. He is the award-winning author of The Japanese Way of the Artist, Secrets of the Brush: Life Lessons from the Art of Japanese Calligraphy, and more.
H. E. Davey is offering an innovative program combining correspondence course instruction with private lessons via Zoom video conferencing. A hand painted shodo lesson is mailed to students who copy the lesson and mail it back. The lesson is corrected by Mr. Davey and a private Zoom lesson is scheduled. Corrections to the artwork are explained and a new shodo lesson is presented. During these private lessons, meditation as well as mind and body unification exercises are taught to help students harmonize mind, body, and brush.
Zoom classes are scheduled at mutually convenient times and last about 45 minutes. Zoom is easy to use and safe. You can read about it at https://zoom.us. Students typically receive a new lesson every one or two weeks.
The cost per lesson is $25, plus $10 USPS Priority Mail shipping in the USA. This fee includes a hand brushed example of H. E. Davey’s shodo art that’s yours to keep, the correction of your homework, and a private Zoom class.
Mr. Davey promotes and preserves the style of shodo he began learning from Kobara Sensei in 1985. In addition to his training in Japanese calligraphy and ink painting, he holds the highest teaching certification in Nakamura Tempu Sensei’s revolutionary form of Japanese yoga, which emphasizes meditation as well as mind and body unification. He characterizes his instructional method as Integrated Shodo & Meditation. It is the study of Japanese calligraphic art as a Do, or “Way” to personal growth, and as a fine art. You can read more about H. E. Davey’s acclaimed artwork and books at www.artofshodo.com.
Just send email to hedavey@aol.com to inquire about the availability of membership, ask questions, and get additional information. Due to the labor intensive and private nature of classes in Integrated Shodo & Meditation, only a limited number of students are being accepted. No prior experience is needed, and fluency in Japanese language is not required to start.
Now offering online instruction using Zoom! Contact us today about ongoing classes and webinars.